Marlem and her team have conjured up another set of attacks, lies, and misrepresentations in their “Choices We Make” email blast of Feb. 12,2024. Please allow us to highlight their lies and provide the truth.
“Current Board cleaned up financial mess left by previous Association board …”
It is easy to clean up a mess by raising a $1.7 million assessment in midyear 2023 to cover the board’s wish list. The Board’s answer to higher costs is simply to raise an assessment.
“Completed several significant Recreational Association projects without assessment …”
Projects were started, not “completed,” and the Board overrode the wishes of the majority of the residents. These projects include the social hall, the restaurant, and the biometric security system. The Catania settlement fund of $1.7 million was used for these projects.
Recreation had a surplus of nearly half a million dollars when Catania started withholding their maintenance payment. The settlement would have replenished that surplus as well as the reserve that was raided. It is that surplus that was used to fund these projects, thus bypassing the need to justify new projects.
“We want to make the promenade a place where people can relax …”
It is a lie to state that we want the promenade to remain a windswept empty space. We want what every unit owner wants: a pleasant, modern, and affordable beach-side apartment. The word “assessment” is strangely missing from Marlem and crew’s narrative.
“We want to renovate our dimly lit hallways with peeling paper …”
They say nobody knows what we want, but it is perfectly clear what we want: our priority is to consider the upcoming legally-mandated spending, notably the life safety system/sprinklers and the full reserves, as we plan for discretionary projects. These will require increased maintenance fees and a significant special assessment.
This doesn’t mean we advocate spending nothing on building improvement and beautification until these mandated projects are completed. It just means we need to make smart decisions. For example, the life safety/sprinkler mandate would require significant hallway construction, and it could be cost-beneficial in the long run to plan hallway beautification work at the same time. Such decisions need to be based on owner input, careful planning, and consideration of the overall financial impact. The current board wants just to impose an assessment to do the hallways.Their aversion to planning will cost you money.
“We want to work for the benefit of all the residents …”
It is another lie to state that we want to file lawsuits against Recreation, Association, and Board members. No one on our team is contemplating such action; the subject has never come up. We assume the Board has acted properly and has nothing to hide.
“We want to deliver tangible results …”
Counter to the hard-learned lessons of business, war, and life, Marlem and her crew think it is a waste of time and money to plan. We disagree — it is a waste of time and money not to plan, and the results of this Board’s shoot from the hip actions prove it. We want to address the long term goals and wishes of the community with their participation; working together we can make Quadomain an even better place. We are not running as dictators pretending to have all the answers; we are running to be leaders, willing and able to lead our community where it wants to go.
“We want our community to be safe …”
We do, too. It is another blatant lie to state that we want to dismantle the biometric system — we have answered that accusation numerous times. We believe every owner has the right to choose secure non-biometric access to their home and property; and we also believe every owner has a right to use the convenience of biometric access (when it works, anyway) if that is their choice. Both options are supported by the system that is being put in place.
Marlem and her crew would like you to forget that the current recreation board introduced this half a million-dollar biometrics project without proper board approval. And for little or no benefit: “Biometrics Security is a Sham” —
“We made Quadomain our home …”
The implication that seasonal residents do not want to make Quadomain a better place to live is an insult to a significant portion of Quadomain owners. Seasonal residents are full-time owners. They pay maintenance and assessments. And they don’t even use the common facilities twelve months a year.
“We want unity, peace, mutual respect …”
Marlem and her group state that we on QuadProTeam want disruption, chaos and division. They use an old political trick of accusing one’s opponent of one’s worst fault: here, within a tirade consisting of nothing but attacks, lies, and misrepresentations, this trio accuses us of what they are themselves doing.
“We are professional individuals with our own position, ideas and solutions …”
As the saying goes, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” Thank you. That is what our team has been advocating all along. The difference is we don’t just say we’re professionals; we act professionally.