Alan Khouri

Grenoble 1705

Candidate for Governor

Iam a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and a UK Chartered Accountant. I hold an MBA in Business Administration from NYU and a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from London University. At Price Waterhouse Coopers, a major US accounting and consulting firm, I audited both large and small companies. Subsequently, I spent 20 years working for a large pharmaceutical company in various capacities, including Finance Director of multinational divisions and Director of Business Planning, preparing budgets, long-term plans, and restructuring various departments.

During 2023, I was Chairman of the Financial Committee for Quadomain Rec and continue to serve as one of their financial consultants. Additionally, I have participated in the Communication Committee, where we introduced periodic newsletters, suggestion boxes, and streamlined election documents.

I am running to achieve a number of short-term and long-term goals for Quadomain.

Short Term

1. Bring competence, financial rigor, and concise reporting to Quadomain Unit Owners. To this end, we need to: 

  • Prioritize legal and regulatory spending obligations while continuously aiming to upgrade and beautify Quadomain facilities. In 2024, the law requires completion of a ‘Structural Integrity Reserve Study’ (SIRS) and the implementation of full reserves in 2025. This will result in a significant increase in owners’ contributions. The new Professional Board will seek options to minimize that financial burden. On the positive side, large special assessments should become a rare event. 
  • Streamline the number of committees while adequately staffing them with competent volunteers, unit owners. The committees will be expected to report timely on project progress. These reports will be included in the Manager’s report. A list of committees and members will be published and billboarded for the unit owners’ information.

2. Continue to improve and expand communication, in its widest sense, between the Board, Administration, and owners. This includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Communicating all major planned projects, encouraging owners’ participation, and conducting surveys to determine acceptance, priority, and input from unit owners. 
  • Providing advance and expansive notices of Board meeting topics. Owners’ input will be considered prior to any Board decision. No more hush-hush board meetings.
  • Encouraging adoption of Condo Control. Billboards and mailroom monitors (currently idle for many months) will be utilized, recognizing that certain owners have difficulty using Condo Control. 
  • Uploading documents timely to Condo Control, especially minutes and contracts.

3. Upgrade the accounting services received by the association and the unit owners.

4. Maintain tight control of expenditure!

Longer Term 

1. Improve communication with all Quadomain Associations and seek synergies and operational compatibilities. Determine and share objectives for the betterment of the community.

2. Review, update, and clarify the half-century-old Bylaws and Operational documents that are often unclear and not in keeping with current expectations.