The Rec Board voted at its January 22nd meeting to select ACMG as the project manager for the Catania Porte Cochere (awning) project based on their review of the three proposals received. The Board concluded that ACMG’s proposal was the lowest cost alternative, with no monthly charges and a total cost of $17,300 for Phases 1 and 2.
It turns out that the $17,300 figure that was the basis of the Board’s approval was meaningless: it is the sum of the monthly fee for Phase 1 ($7,500) and Phase 2 ($9,800). It is not a fixed price proposal as it was presented and that the Board thought it was voting on.
At the following February 1st Rec Board meeting Mr. Vladimir Belfor, having read the ACMG proposal, retracted his approval of the selected project manager and was refused the time to explain the reason.
QuadProTeam has reviewed the proposed contract and has found several inconsistencies. The document states that the Basic Services will be billed at $7,500 per month for the first 12 months, subject to increase at the end of the 12 month term. There are also reimbursable expenses listed, which will be billed with a multiplier of 1.15. There are other deficiencies with the contract (incorrect name of the Quadomain contracting party, incorrect address of Quadomain contracting party, no mailing address for ACMG although notice provision provides for notice by snail mail, references to sections that do not exist). It is doubtful that the contract was subject to even a cursory review by the Rec Board or its legal counsel before it voted to approve on January 22nd.
As stated by more than one member of the Rec Board as they chose the ACMG proposal based on verifiably incorrect information: “It’s a No-Brainer.” We agree: this just shows how unprepared they were to make careful, informed decisions. Luckily, we understand the contract hasn’t been signed. Board members have been alerted to their error and are figuring out what to do now. The result: another delay in the Porte Cochere project.