Professionalism: It’s not just what you do; it’s how you do it.
We think that professionalism extends to how one does political campaigning. Campaigning is spreading the word about yourself and your platform and what your near-term and long-term goals are. We, Alan, Henri, and Jim of the QuadProTeam, have done that: we’ve gone door to door with our message; we’ve created a website; we’ve posted our ideas and responses to the ideas of others, both on Facebook and on the blog section of our website; we’ve hosted “meet and greets”; we’ve participated in the official Meet the Candidates night.
That’s what we’ve done. How have we done it? Throughout our campaign we’ve tried to stay on the high road, focusing on our positive message of change. But our opponents want to drag us down to their level, into a mud fight. We’re tempted to do that, but it stinks down there in the mud, and everyone around a mud fight gets splattered. So we’re staying professional.
Now our opponents have wallowed in the mud and coughed up another mud-splattered tirade about our team. Our conversations with owners have given us a key insight into the real underlying pulse of our community: we are tired of the negativity, the juvenile accusations, the misrepresentations, the outright lies, and the unprofessional behavior of Marlem and her group.
Marlem’s tirade invites you to get in touch with us and ask questions. Please do: if you want to know the truth about what we would do as Board members, email us, call us, or visit our website. You’ll learn that we pay as much attention to how we’ll get things done as to what things we’ll do. Because governing and campaigning with professionalism matters.